£1,554.00 (incl VAT)

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Excel Analyst - Team x 5

Invest in Yourself!

...and make Management take notice.

Important: Once you have completed payment of this Team Purchase, you will receive an email with instructions to allow us to add participants to the course, including yourself if you're participating.

All we need from you is the Name and Email of all participants, and then we'll add them. Please note, if you are participating in the course also, you will need to complete this process before you have access.

Description: Excel Analyst is a premium training course that will take your Excel skills from Intermediate to Advanced, set within a commercial context.

Duration: This purchase grants 12 months access to the course. Many will complete Excel Analyst over a few days to weeks, but this allows additional time to refer back to the course, if needed.

Payment & Sales Tax: This is a one-off payment. Card payments are administered by Stripe. Price includes VAT/Sales Tax, where applicable.

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